Other stuff...

I've been focused on writing novels for a while now, but it wasn't always thus.
Here's a smattering of, well, some of what came before. . .


In all the world, there's just one Willa.

She's probably at the shop right now,
doodling in her donut dough . . .

1 Willa loves donuts

2 Willa wants a girlfriend

3 Willa wonders if her mother has regrets

4 Willa vows she will never go on a date again

5 Willa wishes she wasn't a virgin

6 Willa knows she's finally ready

...for when I'm feeling reflective...

> après cancer

> from the ass's mouth

home . . . the novels . . . reviews . . . other stuff . . . about Sophia Kell Hagin
. . . make contact . . .